Promotion at the retail shelf display, fixture, service counter, bar or table comes in many forms.
The display products in this section, whether generic or specialist in terms of their market orientation, can be very simple in their form and function, but that doesn’t mean we don’t give them the same ‘design for quality’ considerations we apply to all our products.
Lightweight products that are often handled daily and prone to be knocked over or dropped on the floor need to be hard-wearing, durable, hygienic and easy to clean. Minimalist design is as much about optimising the promotion or message as it is about low cost manufacture.
From ticket and menu holders to free-standing leaflet dispensers, poster displays and chalkboards there is a wide choice of solutions for updatable messaging. Counterstand Snapframes, Grip Talker and Gripchalker and Pivot Gripper are worthy of particular attention.
When it comes to permanently printed solutions for brand endorsement, or to stimulate a call to action at the point of sale, there are low cost Shelf Wobblers to premium acrylic Brand Blocks, innovative flat-pack Dump Bins, Bar Runners and Counter Mats available.
- Overture Menu HolderIn stock
- Clear Menu HolderIn stock
- Counterstand SnapframesIn stock
- Straight TalkersIn stock
- Tilt TalkersIn stock
- Grip TalkersIn stock
- Grip-Action BasesIn stock
- Interior Leaflet DispensersIn stock
- Grip ChalkersOut of stock
- Counter/Table Top ChalkboardsOut of stock
- Metal Display Card HolderIn stock
- Bar RunnersIn stock
- Counter MatIn stock
- WobblerIn stock
- Ice Cream HoldersIn stock
- Multi-Cup DisplayIn stock
- Pivot GrippersIn stock